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首页 / 资讯 / 行业资讯 / 派瑞林用于医疗器械的讨论


派旗纳米 浏览次数:1345 分类:行业资讯

伴随着医疗设备越来越更小和更紧密,Parylene镀层的应用因为其分子结构能力的沉淀而具备提升的使用价值。塑料薄膜,无针眼Parylene保形镀层为医药行业中的救生设备和仪器设备给予了最好维护。可塑性,真空泵堆积的Parylene具备相溶性和生物体可靠性,并具备优异的湿膜润湿性,耐热性,环境湿度,有机化学和防护天然屏障维护。除此之外,Parylene已得到FDA准许(具备aUSP XXII,VI级相溶性级别),可安全性地在身体内应用。

PCT Parylene得到USP VI级验证



Parylene镀层可维护各种各样医疗器械和部件,包含支撑架,软管,心血管支架,电普外专用工具,硬膜外探头,轴颈,针等。手术中采用的医疗设备可选择性地涂敷聚对二甲苯以改进其润湿性并给予可选择性绝缘。该镀层还维护和润化皮内注射针,并可在嵌入机器设备和鼻子假体硬件配置上产生相溶性天然屏障。Parylene的与众不同特性包含与板材外貌的精准一致性,十分薄的层中的无针眼遮盖,及其渗入和涂敷繁杂表层的工作能力。Parylene膜可抵御有机溶液,有机物实验试剂和酸的有机化学腐蚀; 它可以非常好地黏附在很多外表上,并给予出色的体积电阻率。聚对二甲苯具备光洁的表层,



·         相溶性

·         生物体平稳

·         有机化学可塑性

·         湿膜润湿性

·         FDA准许

·         无干固周期时间

·         无毒性

·         抗真菌和细菌繁殖

·         无溶剂

·         USP VI级

Parylene Medical运用案例:

·         软管

·         医疗液压密封件

·         医疗弹性体材料

·         医疗电磁线圈

·         助听

·         假体/起博器

·         支撑架

·         轴颈

·         电普外器材


As medical devices become smaller and more compact, theuse of Parylene coatings finds increasing value due to its molecular leveldeposition. Thin film, pinhole-free Parylene conformal coatings provide theultimate protection for life-saving devices and instruments in the medicalindustry. Inert, vacuum deposited Parylene is biocompatible and biostable andoffers excellent dry-film lubricity, thermal stability, moisture, chemical anddielectric barrier protection. Additionally, Parylene is FDA-approved (with aUSP XXII, Class VI biocompatibility rating) and is safe for use within thebody.

PCT Parylene is USP Class VI Approved


Parylene is a thin, vacuum-deposited polymer. It differsfrom conventional coatings in that it is deposited on objects at roomtemperature as a film, and does not use solvents, catalysts, plasticizers, orother feature-enhancing additives. It is based on a high-purity raw materialcalled di-paraxylylene, which is a white, crystalline powder. A vacuum andthermal process converts the powder to a polymer film, which is formed onsubstrates at room temperature.

Parylene Medical Coating Services
Parylene coatings protect a wide array of medical devices and componentsincluding stents, catheters, pacemakers, electrosurgical tools, epiduralprobes, mandrels, needles, and more. Medical devices used in surgicalprocedures are selectively coated with Parylene to improve their lubricity andto provide selective electrical insulation. The coating also protects and lubricateshypodermic needles and can create a biocompatible barrier on implantabledevices and prosthetic hardware. Parylene’s unique properties include preciseconformance to substrate topography, pinhole-free coverage in very thin layers,and the ability to penetrate and coat complex surfaces. Parylene film resistschemical attack from organic solvents, inorganic reagents, and acids; itadheres well to many surfaces, and offers exceptional dielectric strength.Parylene has a lubricious surface, with a coefficient of friction whichapproaches that of PTFE (Teflon).

Parylene is the ideal choice for most types of substratesincluding glass, ceramics, plastics, metals, elastomers and silicone rubber.Parylene’s optically clear coatings have the ability to conform to any shapesuch as sharp edges and points. Parylene does not promote the growth ofbiologics. Its surface is unsuitable for the proliferation of bacteria andother pathogens.

Benefits of Parylene Medical Coating:

·        Biocompatible

·        Biologically stable

·        Chemically inert

·        Dry-film lubricity

·        FDA approved

·        No curing cycle

·        Non-toxic

·        Resistant to fungal and bacterial proliferation

·        Solvent free

·        USP Class VI

Parylene Medical Application Examples:

·        Catheters

·        Medical seals

·        Medical elastomers

·        Medical coils

·        Hearing aids

·        Implants/Pacemakers

·        Stents

·        Mandrels

·        Electrosurgical instruments


