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首页 / 资讯 / 行业资讯 / 派瑞林涂层用于橡胶产品的讨论


派旗纳米 浏览次数:1329 分类:行业资讯


Para-Coat Technologies  Parylene保形镀层服务项目给予解决方法,并为弹性体材料零件给予维护,包含电子器件,诊疗,航天航空,车辆和国防运用。聚对二甲苯镀层可维护各种各样塑胶和弹性体材料部件,包含密封圈和液压密封件,电脑键盘和医用导管。医疗级有机硅树脂或塑料产品获益于Parylene镀层给予的相溶性,无毒性和有机化学可塑性维护天然屏障。






·         相溶性和生物体可靠性

·         纤薄轻便

·         微封装作用

·         出色的湿膜润湿性

·         非凡的有机化学,体内湿气和电气设备天然屏障


·         医用导管

·         密封圈和密封环

·         硅橡胶管

·         电脑键盘

·         O型圈

·         注射针部件 – 活塞杆,瓶塞和瓶塞


Para-Coat Technologies Parylene conformal coatingservices offer solutions and provide protection to elastomer parts inelectronic, medical, aerospace, automotive and military applications. Parylenecoatings protect a variety of rubber and elastomeric components ranging fromgaskets and seals, to keypads and medical catheters. Medical grade silicone orrubber products benefit from the biocompatible, non-toxic and chemically inertprotective barrier that Parylene coatings provide.


The Parylene coating is applied through a vapordeposition process in a vacuum chamber and during the coating process theParylene monomer is able to penetrate the surface of rubbers and plasticsproviding exceptional adhesion. Parylene’s thin, transparent and flexiblecharacteristics enhance the performance of rubber and elastomer components byprotecting surfaces and modifying surface properties. These improvements aremade without degrading the functional performance of the part. Parylene yieldsa truly conformal coated part with a consistent thickness on the flat surfacearea and around the internal dimensions of holes. Pinhole-free parylene coatingcan prevent the transfer of substances into or out of a coated substrate, evenin one or two micron layers. Parylene conformal coatings seal micro porosityand encapsulate the most complex typographies, providing protection againstpotential leachable ingredients in the elastomer product.

Parylene’s Dry-Film Lubricity
The inherent and excellent dry lubricity characteristics with a coefficient offriction measurements approaching that of PTFE to a range of applications makeParylene a valuable asset as a dry-film lubricant, particularly as a coatingfor surgical instruments. The barrier performance and chemical inertness ofparylene are particularly useful for biomedical objects or single-use medicalinstrumentation items with rubber seals, plungers or diaphragms. Suchsubstrates may come in temporary or prolonged contact with human tissues, andcould otherwise be compromised.

Parylene’s Barrier and Elasticity
Parylene coating is also used for silicone rubber keypads, preventing printedlegends, resisting surface wear, and resolving tackiness issues whileprotecting the keyboard against dirt, dust and oils. The applied film has highdielectric strength, and does not compromise the electrical insulatingproperties of underlying rubber components. Parylene provides a pinhole-freebarrier to protect against moisture, corrosive body fluids, common gasses,fungus and temperature. Increased coating thicknesses further improve chemicaland solvent resistance without adding weight or materially affecting thesubstrate’s elasticity.

Benefits of Parylene Coatings include:

·        Biocompatible and biostable

·        Ultra-thin and lightweight

·        Micro-encapsulation capabilities

·        Excellent dry-film lubricity

·        Superior chemical, moisture and electrical barrier

Examples of applications include:

·        Medical catheters

·        Gaskets and seals

·        Silicon and rubber tubing

·        Keypads

·        O-rings

·        Syringe components – plungers, plugs, and stoppers


